Diagnosis of anxiety disorders

When diagnosing anxiety disorders at an early stage, it is important to rule out other causes of initial symptoms. Fatigue, increased emotionality, sleep disturbance, decreased performance can be the result of thyroid diseases, hormonal disorders. Increased heart rate may indicate the development of coronary heart disease, and muscle tension - about intercostal neuralgia and lack of physical activity. Indigestion depends on the quality of nutrition and its balance, and sleep disorders - on the reaction to current stress.

In order to correctly diagnose an anxiety disorder, it is important for the patient to honestly acknowledge their symptoms and see the inconsistency of the emotional state with the current state of affairs and life events.

Self-assessment test

In psychology and psychiatry, professional tests are widely used to identify anxiety disorders. They are carried out during a conversation with a doctor. At the same time, a number of criteria can be used to independently assess the development of an anxiety disorder. Due to the fact that the patient with these types of disorders is well aware of his condition, everyone can, with a high degree of adequacy, determine how much his anxiety level deviates from the norm in the current period and take action. What should be of concern?

Having constant anxious thoughts at least 3 times a week for several weeks is an occasion to think about what causes anxiety and how significant this factor really is. Anxiety should be expressed in a loss of strength, affect the quality of life, “exhaust”, cause bodily disorders.

Increased muscle tone, tension. Contracted muscles of the face, jaw, shoulders, legs, back, as a rule, go unnoticed until they are paid attention to. Anxiety disorders are often accompanied by similar symptoms. Physical activity, both active and relaxing, will help a lot here. Breathing exercises, which are very useful for anxiety disorders, perfectly cope with tight muscles.

Sleep disturbances, lack of it, waking up at night in a "cold sweat", night terrors, difficulty falling asleep due to disturbing thoughts can be signs of an anxiety disorder. Fear for no reason. You can be afraid to drive a car, fly planes, be afraid of insects, out of fear not to use elevators. If there is no reason for fear, it is not rational, and it is worth thinking about correction.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, and diarrhea are common symptoms of an anxiety disorder. The fact is that the intestine reacts sensitively to psychological and mental problems, and responds to them with dysfunction.

Shyness and refusal to communicate. Unwillingness to communicate, fear of "stupid appearance" and a feeling of "second-rate" is characteristic of people with increased anxiety. An increase in these signs in an anxiety disorder can be considered obsessive thoughts about the impression made on the interlocutor, a panic fear of public speaking and even answers to questions from the leader during a banal meeting.

Compulsive behavior. In this case, anxious thoughts are accompanied by attempts to influence the situation of the threat, to prevent “unhappiness”. Compulsive behavior can be expressed in frequent washing of hands, excessive cleaning, repetition of some special "security" text, carrying certain items with you. If, when the intention arises, it is not possible to perform rituals of compulsive behavior, this can cause panic and attempts to achieve a result by any effort.

Self-digging and the search for "the truth about yourself." Extra attempts at self-identification and self-awareness are inherent in people with anxiety disorders. They may suffer from obsessive thoughts about the correctness of their actions, relationships with loved ones, sexual orientation, vocation, the meaning of life. Unlike the questions of completely healthy people, these searches are intrusive, do not bring answers, positive changes, and only increase the degree of anxiety.

Self-criticism and perfectionism. An unreasonably high "bar" is inherent in people with anxiety disorders. Starting from make-up and ending with project presentations, all this can be redone many times and interfere with development, worsen the quality of life and consume a temporary resource for no reason.