Types of anxiety disorders

There are a huge number of varieties of this type of disease. The cluster of anxiety states includes both obsessive-compulsive and panic attacks, phobic neuroses (Agarophobia, social phobia), post-traumatic stress disorder, hypochondriasis, personality disorder and many others. According to the duration of the affective episode, anxiety states are also divided into long-term and short-term. In this aspect, the period of time during which a person is not able to adequately respond to what is happening is taken into account. Let's look at the most common forms:

Generalized anxiety disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is a classic variation of neurosis and represents a type of chaotic anxiety, that is, without any logical direction. It is formed spontaneously and for everything, more precisely, for events that attract the patient's attention. The sick mind in this case is itself focused on finding and solving problems that do not actually exist (work, health, future, relationships). Such a person lives in principle with the question “What if?”, And overcoming one far-fetched problem, he comes up with the next one. Anxiety is localized predominantly in thoughts (“thinking chewing gum”), which is also characteristic of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Basically, the symptoms appear at night and do not allow you to fall asleep deeply and for a long time.

At the everyday level, a person avoids everything new: for example, he walks the same road, flies to the same hotel (if he decides to fly in general). It seems to the patient that anxiety provides him with security, allowing him to be on alert, and he cannot be "taken by surprise." Positive information and good events are leveled and depreciated by an anxious person. They are not happy with gifts and compliments.

Anxiety-hypochondriac disorder

The main focus and experiences of the patient lie in the plane of his health. A person has constant anxiety about the signals of his body, which he interprets as deadly. Also, hypochondria is accompanied by a tendency to absorb specific and essentially unnecessary information. Most often, this type is combined with conversion and depressive pathologies.

Mixed and anxiety-depressive disorder

This type got its name due to a combination of symptoms, defined as the "triad of a depressive syndrome", which includes: low mood, low physical activity and inhibition of mental processes, together with a high level of anxiety. Moreover, in a mixed form, increased anxiety in a patient may prevail over depression, or may correspond. The hospital anxiety and depression scale is used to assess the prevailing syndrome. The main psycho-emotional symptom, in addition to anxiety, is a lack of interest in life and loved ones, accompanied by autonomic pathology.

Paroxysmal anxiety (anxiety-vegetative) disorder

Paroxysmal, in fact, is another name for anxiety-panic disorder, or in simple words, panic attacks, which we discussed in detail earlier. A panic attack is an acute attack of fear accompanied by mental and physiological symptoms. Usually manifested by the following symptoms:

  • At the physiological level: increased pressure, shortness of breath, increased temperature, convulsions, palpitations, hyperhidrosis, tremor of the limbs, nausea and dizziness, insomnia
  • On a mental level a person experiences a terrifying feeling of deconcentration and depersonalization (as if everything that happens is unreal).

The intensity of a panic attack ranges from mild (anxiety and tension in the body) to severe (fear of imminent death). In general, it lasts from 15 to 30 minutes, it can occur from 3 times a day, up to 1 time per month.

Anxiety-asthenic disorder

Another name for it is "anancaste" state of anxiety. Figuratively speaking, psychopathy manifests itself in a patient in the absence of order. As soon as the usual order of things is disturbed, or something new appears in the life of the patient, he falls into a feeling of uncontrollable anxiety. Anancastic neurosis sufferers have a strong desire to be perfectionists. In addition to the general characteristic symptoms, it is worth noting increased fatigue in the aspect of asthenic anxiety.

Organic anxiety disorder

Most often it appears on the background of somatic diseases, in connection with this, in addition to anxiety, patients have dysfunctions of the body of various pathogenesis (migraines, amnesia, deconcentration, disturbances in the work of the heart, thyroid or pancreas, liver) in parallel.

Phobic disorders

This cluster is quite diverse and includes various types of phobias. A phobia is an exaggerated, often causeless fear of a phenomenon, situation, object, which is often not so dangerous. The most common are social phobia (fear of any contact with people) and agoraphobia (fear of crowded places and open spaces). Phobias also include the fear of snakes, spiders, flying on an airplane, heights, independent travel, and long distance travel.